Departure Day: Sunday, May 27
It was a rainy, dreary Sunday morning when we left at about 10am. The ride to our first stop in Guilford, CT took a little over 4 hours, much of it in rain and gloomy skies. We reached our destination, Bishop's Orchards , at about 2:15pm. This place is a member of the HarvestHosts organization, a group of several hundred wineries, orchards, farms, etc who let let subscribers like me stay on their properties in their RV overnight. This particular place is very nice, consisting of a large supermarket that sells just about anything you'd find in any supermarket, but much of it with local origins. When we got here, the manager told us that we could stay as long as we like so long as we advise each day when we're going to extend. We made a decision to spend 2 nights here, one before our trip to Mystic and one after. Weather here is cold and damp with temperatures in the low 60's. It will probably get down into the 50's overnight.
The motorhome is in the driveway for the first time in 2018. I filled the tanks with water and turned on the fridge - everything seems as it was when we stored it for the Winter. There is one problem with the hot water. The flow is very low, just a trickle. I suspect a bad check valve at the water heater. Hoping to have it fixed this weekend and ready for the first outing Larry and I will make in mid-April. This will be the shakedown cruise prior to the 3-4 week trip Barb and I plan to take to the Canadian maritime provinces in early June. For this, I also ordered a portable clothes washing machine and I had the rooftop satellite TV system activated for the first time ever. We're planning to get at least as far as Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, with a slim chance of getting to Newfoundland.